Promoting Pharmaceuticals

Discover how we can help you promote your products in the Algerian market.

Business development

Our extensive expertise in the pharmaceutical industry allows us to analyze market developments and seize relevant opportunities for our clients.

Regulatory approval

Biothera Healthcare ensures the preparation, submission and regular follow-up of your registration dossier with local authorities for timely market authorization.

Sales and marketing

Thanks to our efficient sales and marketing teams, we guarantee an effective promotion and distribution of your products on the Algerian market.

Why biothera healthcare ?

Thanks to experienced professionals, biothera healthcare owns the competences necessary to achieve its commitments, which are carefully defined according to a customized market analysis performed together with each client.

Evaluate local market of pharmaceutical products and formulate ad-hoc regulatory affairs expert reports to our customers…

Evaluate business opportunities within your portfolio and provide recommendations for a correct and timely market access…

Obtain regulatory approval for your products and follow up on the registration dossiers with the local healthcare authorities.

Thanks to our marketing team as well as medical and commercial representatives, we will ensure the promotion and the distribution of your products by offering a range of exclusive business solutions designed to assist your company to achieve sales target and growth.

We will offer our expertise to convey a positive image of our clients and to make them well-known among health professionals…

Once your product will be registered, Biothera Healthcare will give you its expertise to outsource sales force allowing you to control and reduce Operational Costs.

Who we are

Biothera Healthcare is a company incorporated under Algerian law, specialized in registration and promoting pharmaceuticals operating under the agreement of the Algerian healthcare authorities.

Biothera Healthcare is an Algerian company aiming to serve its customers by leveraging on its highly specified expertise, with the objective to promote pharmaceuticals on the Algerian market.

Biothera Healthcare processes all the actions to successfully accomplish its different missions, welling to enterface with its customers on strong base of mutual confidence and professionalism. 


promoting pharmaceuticals

Our Mission

  • Improving pharmaceuticals access in the Algerian market
  • Customized services for our clients
  • Ensure the registration and promotion of your pharmaceutical products to reach a targeted market share



promoting pharmaceuticals

Discover how we can help you promot your products

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